Future Self

Your Future Hasn't been Written Yet

No one's has. Your future is what you make it. So make it a good one.

This is a quote from one of the Back to the Future Movies. It's a quote that you, as someone who is on the journey of letting go of your old self and designing a new self, might want to write down somewhere. Yes, you can design your new self. And by designing your new self, you can create a whole new life for yourself.

You can do it because I've done it.

And so have my clients all over the world.

However, it can't be done exclusively with your conscious mind because your paradigm, which cosists of your beliefs, perceptions and emotional state, shapes your reality.

You need to go deeper than the first layer. Deeper than the conscious mind. Way deeper...

In order to design a new self and create a new life you must access the subconscious mind

There is no way around it. Your subconscious mind holds the key to your new self and your new life because you can't fully let go of the old self without accessing the subconscious mind. 

Your subconscious mind holds the key to your transformation. 

Now imagine what it would feel like to have the power to easily and effortlessly let go of your old beliefs, habits, and emotions and to install empowering beliefs, habits, and emotions deep into your subscious mind.

The best thing about it: 

You have the freedom to choose any belief, any habit, any emotion that you want to let go of and any choose belief, any habit, any emotion that you want to from now on live your life with. 

All we gotta do is to access your subconscious mind in a deep hypnotic trance state. 

It's that simple. 

That's why I want to ask you...

What part of your self do you want to let go of?

  • Do you want to let go emotions or beliefs that are tormenting you?
  • Do you want to let go of habits that are not serving you?
  • Do you want to let go of procrastination or perfectionism?
  • Do you want to let go of doubt, worry and self-limiting behavior?
  • Do you want to let go of overthinking and ruminating?
  • Do you want to let go of your social anxiety?
  • Do you want to let go of phobias and fears?

Your subconscious mind holds the key to this letting go process.

Once you have let go of your past self, you are ready to become someone else. You are ready to become the updated 2.0 version of yourself...the person you've always wanted to be. 

That's why I want to ask you another question...

Who is the new self that you want to create?

  • Is this new self confident?
  • Is this new self fearless?
  • Is this new self motivated?
  • Is this new self productive?
  • Is this new self focused?
  • Is this new self in love with life?

Are you ready to become this new self by designing it EXACTLY the way you want?

Then you are ready to find out more about the 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing Your Future Self...

"I know that I look quite young but I'm actually in my 30s and I have over a decade of experience as a certified coach and hypnotist"


I'm an accredited coach and I would be honored if you gave me the chance to help you to reach your goals:


And as a certified Cognitive Behavioral Coach I can help you to turn your negative thoughts and emotions into positive thoughts and emotions, which will allows you to design your future self and experience a new life:


And as a Certified Hypnotist, accredited by the American Alliance of Hypnotists, I'm proud to help you to change your life by changing your subconscious programs:  

I'm also certified in Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis by the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy: 

It's time to let go of who you no longer want to be and to design who you've always wanted to be...


Hypnosis might be the answer that you were searching for all these years. In fact, hypnosis can be so effective that even the American Psychological Association had to admit that "Hypnosis works and the empirical support is unequivocal in that regard"

This might be the reason why Hypnosis is already called "The Celebrity Secret Weapon"

But what about Hypnosis for all the beliefs, emotions, and habits that I mentioned?

You know...the ones that you might want to let go of and the ones that you might want to embrace.

Does Hypnosis really work in YOUR situation?

Well, let's have a look at what science says: 

According to science, hypnosis can help with fears and phobias:


What does science say about hypnosis for overcoming procrastination?


Could hypnosis possibly help with worry, doubt, ruminating and overthinking? According to multiple scientific research studies the answer is YES:

Now I want to ask you:

Are you ready to let go of your soon-to-be old self that was holding you back from achieving your dreams and living your life to the fullest?

And are you ready to design a new self that has all the qualities you've always wanted to have which allows you to effortlessly create a new life that is more empowering and fulfilling than you could have ever imagined?

Then you are ready for The 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing your Future self

Here's how we are going to transform your life in the next 4 weeks:

Hypnosis Week 1: LET GO OF THE BELIEFS, Emotions and habits of your soon-to-be old self

  • We get to know each other in a 15-minute pretalk before our first hyonosis during which we will determine the beliefs, emotions and habits that are keeping you stuck in life and that keep you from becoming the new self you truly want to be.
  • I share different exercises and practical techniques with you that you can use to amplify the positive results you experience during and after our first hypnosis because once your subconscious mind and your conscious mind work in harmony, you will be unstoppable.
  • In our first Hypnosis I address your subconscious mind on a mental and emotional level because your subconscious mind needs to fully understand that it's safe to feel different emotions, hold different thoughts, and practice different habits. 
  • During the hypnosis, you will be guided to a point where you allow your subconscious mind to start the process of overwriting your identity which allows you to let go of the old self and to design a new self.

Hypnosis Week 2: Embrace the new Beliefs, emotions and habits of your future self

  • We start this session by assessing how your mind and especially your body has responded to letting go of the old beliefs, emotions, and habits of the self that you from now on will no longer be. 
  • Now it is time to create new empowering beliefs, emotions and habits that are the foundation of your new self, the self that you truly want to be with all the qualities that lead you to your successful dream life. 
  • I guide you into a beautiful hypnotic trance that makes it possible for you to feel yourself so deeply and so profoundly into these new emotions, beliefs and habits that your subconscious mind embraces them as part of your new paradigm.
  • By feeling these new emotions rushing through your body, by finally being able to think new empowering toughts and by seeing yourself embrace new habits, your mind signals to your body that it's time to change.

Hypnosis Week 3: CREATE THE CLEAR PICTURE Of Your future and condition your body to it

  • We create a completely new picture of your future which your mind and body can now fully embrace because you have let go of your old self and created a new self with emotions, beliefs and habits that are a perfect match for your new future that we are about to create. 
  • During our hypnosis, I guide you into a deep trance state in which you picture yourself living and experiencing the future life that we created so that your subconscious mind can allow you to step into this future in the real world.
  • We now continue with your identity shift that we started in week one by placing your new self into this new future so that your subconscious mind fully understands that you are a new person who is living a new life.
  • I use a special anchoring techique during the hypnosis to anchor these empowering emotions of your future so that you can step into them whenever you want and wherever you are which makes it even easier for you to ALWAYS feel like your new self and to NEVER go back to your old self.

Hypnosis Week 4: Complete Your Identity Shift and Enjoy Your new life as your new self

  • We create your new identity that you can easily step into, now that your new self has been designed and your new life has been embraced by your subconscious mind.
  • During our hypnosis, I guide you into a trance state that makes it fun and easy to complete this identity shift in a way that protects you from ever again going back to the old self and old life because once your identity has shifted, your reality has to adapt to this identity. 
  • You learn specific mindset tricks and cognitive behavioral techniques that allow you to also use your conscious mind to make sure that you stay in this new identity as the new self in your new life to make this process even easier.  
  • We have a final briefing during which we track the progress you've already made up until this point and in which I share insights on how you can make sure that you continue on your path as your new self who is fully enjoying your new life. 

special bonus for this month

During the 4 weeks of the Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing Your Future Self, you also get unlimited WhatsApp mentoring and messaging support from me because I will do everything in my power to help you to succeed at becoming the person you always wanted to be.

The moment you join this transformational 4-week program, you get immediate access to my private WhatsApp number. Whenever you feel like giving up or you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you and ready to motivate you, inspire you, and hold you accountable.


For each amazing human being who joins the 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing Your Future Self, I donate 10% of the coaching fee to AMURTEL Romania, which is a charity close to my heart. The mission of AMURTEL Romania is to offer opportunity, hope and support to disadvantaged children and youth at risk of social exclusion. All of the children that come into the care at AMURTEL Family have survived neglect, trauma, abuse or tragic loss They are in need of a safe, loving home. I myself sponsor children who are living at the AMURTEL Family Home. I know Didi Denise, the president of AMURTEL NGO, and we talk on a regular basis. She's an amazing woman, spiritually connected and full of love. You can find out more about AMURTEL Romania on their website and by watching the following video: 

By joining the 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing Your Future Self, you are investing in yourself AND in the future of these wonderful children. 

P.S. I'm more than happy to send you proof that I donate 10% of the coaching fee because it's important for me to be as transparent with you as I can be.

This is your personal transformation

  • The Hypnotic Scrip I use in our session is 100% unique and tailored to your individual needs and experience.
  • You just have to relax and listen to me during the session. That's all you have to do. Your subconscious mind will take care of the rest.
  • If you want you can record your live Hypnosis Sessions which provides you with a recording of your own personalized hypnosis that you can listen to as often as you want.

Imagine a reality in which you are finally free from what was holding you back for so long and in which you can finally be who you always wanted to be and live the life you always wanted to live?

Incredible human beings like you have said "yes" to new beliefs, new habits, and new emotions...

...and therefore to a new life.

Here's The next step you can take now to change your life forever:

  • You send me your inquiry email with the subject line "future" to sebastian@ and I'll get back to you within 24 hours.
  • We'll schedule a FREE 30-Minute call in which I share more details about the 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing Your Future Self.
  • You have the opportunity to finally become who you always wanted to be and live the life you always wanted to live.

What are you waiting for?

I'm excited to receive your email in the next couple of minutes...

Oh, and if you act fast, you'll receive these life-changing exclusive bonus Hypnosis Recordings completely for FREE:

Special Bonus 1: Believe in Yourself and in Your Power to Change (Recorded Hypnosis)

(Valued at $49.99)

Special Bonus 2: Become immune to stress (Recorded Hypnosis)

(Valued at $49.99)

Special Bonus 3: Let Go of Negative Emotions (Recorded Hypnosis)

(Valued at $49.99)

Special Bonus 4: Fall in love with your life (Recorded Hypnosis)

(Valued at $49.99)

Special Bonus 5: Let go of your trauma (Recorded Hypnosis)

(Valued at $49.99)

Yes, you get exclusive bonuses that have a combined worth of $249.95 completely for FREE as soon as you join the 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program for Designing Your Future Self!

Now send me your inquiry email with the subject line "future" and you'll hear from me within 24 hours:


Hypnosis Program Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I let you know what exactly I want to work on before our Hypnosis Session?

I design every Hypnosis Session to YOUR individual needs. Once I have received your inquiry email for the 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program, you get access to my Skype ID and WhatsApp number. In our free discovery call you can let me know what you are struggling with.

2. Will I be aware of what you say during the Hypnosis Session?

You might be aware of everything that I say during the hypnosis. This is absolutely okay and you will still be in hypnosis. As long as you enter the lightest state of hypnosis, which are alpha brain waves, the hypnosis can have an effect on you. In fact, on a regular day we enter a state of hypnosis several times during this day. The perfect example for this is when you're driving a car. You are driving the car and maybe even shifting the gears in case you're not driving an automatic car without actually recognizing that you're doing it. In this situation you are not consciously driving the car but you also not unconscious. Your subconscious mind is doing most of the work. You don't have to think about turning the steering wheel or shifting the gear. You just do it. You see, hypnosis is in fact a very natural state. And if you enter a state of hypnosis you are up to 200 times more suggestible than when you're operating within the beta brain wave state, which can be described as being fully awake.


3. Will I be doing something that I don't want to do during our Hypnosis Session?

Hypnosis is not similar to what you see in Hollywood movies. As a hypnotist it is impossible for me to make you do something that you don't want to do and of course, it is ethically not something that I would ever try to do. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned through Hollywood movies and certain show hypnosis that somebody who gets hypnotized might run around barking like a dog or doing other things that they don't want to do. I want you to know that you're always in control during the hypnosis. In case you experience any challenge during the hypnosis, you can simply end it yourself by saying one two three in your mind. 


4. What if I fall asleep during our Hypnosis Session?

You also don't have to worry about whether or not you’ll fall asleep. Even if you fall asleep, your subconscious mind can still absorb the information that I tell you during our hypnosis session. You might be drifting off to sleep but your subconscious mind is still receptive for change. In case you fall asleep during our hypnosis session, I will simply wake you up at the end of our session and you can be confident that your subconscious mind has received all the information that is necessary to make positive changes in your life.


5. Is it possible to not wake up anymore after a hypnosis session?

Don't worry about not being able to wake up after our hypnosis session. This is completely impossible. Only about 10% of people are able to disassociate during hypnosis sessions. This can then lead to them not remembering anything after the session. However, in this case they might not consciously remember anything but the subconscious mind has still received the information and the changes. Like I already mentioned, you're always in control during the hypnosis. I want to emphasize it again: In case you experience any challenge during the hypnosis, you can simply end it yourself by saying one two three in your mind.


6. Is it possible that I'm too intelligent/logical/analytical to enter a state of hypnosis?

I have good news for you. Several scientific research studies have come to the conclusion that suggestibility is directly related with intelligence. In fact, some of the most intelligent people and geniuses in this world are constantly operating from an alpha brainwave state. This allows them to receive ideas and insights into their subconscious mind and to then transform these ideas and insights into physical and intellectual creations.


7. What If I have a question?

If you have any questions in regards to this 4-Week Hypnosis Coaching Program, you can contact me at sebastian@


By booking a coaching session you are agreeing to the following: 

You understand that results presented by as well as the results presented in the testimonials are not typical and may vary from one person to another. The customers depicted in the testimonials have declared the information shared is true and accurate. does not guarantee any success and/or income whether explicit or implied and is not held accountable and is not liable for the consequences of your own actions and behaviors.